Which Style of Podcast is Better: Interview or Solo Host?

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One of the most common questions that aspiring podcasters face is: which style of podcast is better, the interview or the solo host? Each style has its distinct advantages and disadvantages that can impact both the host’s experience and the audience’s engagement.

Thinking About Starting a Podcast?

When we think about starting a podcast or even evaluating the types of podcasts we enjoy listening to, we notice there are numerous styles. However, two of the most popular formats are the interview style and the solo host style. Let’s delve into the intricacies of each.

Interview Style Podcast


  1. Diverse Perspectives: The primary strength of interview-style podcasts is the range of perspectives offered. By featuring different guests who bring varied backgrounds, expertise, and experiences, the audience gets a holistic view of the topics discussed.
  2. Networking Opportunities: Interviewing guests enables hosts to develop professional relationships that may lead to future collaborations and opportunities.
  3. Audience Growth: Each guest brings along their own audience, which can help increase the podcast’s reach.
  4. Engaging Content: Conversations with guests often result in dynamic and unpredictable episodes, keeping the content fresh and exciting.


  1. Scheduling and Coordination: One of the biggest challenges is coordinating with guests. Popular guests may have busy schedules, making it difficult to book them.
  2. Dependency on Guests: Consistently finding and booking guests can be a time-consuming task that requires logistical planning.
  3. Quality and Interest Dependency: The quality of the podcast may rely heavily on the guest. If the guest is not engaging, it can negatively affect the episode.
  4. Technical Challenges: There may be technical issues such as poor internet connections or audio problems, which can affect the recording quality.

Solo Host Podcast


  1. Complete Control: Solo hosts have full control over the episode’s content, pacing, and style.
  2. Simplicity and Flexibility: It’s easier to manage as there are fewer logistical concerns. The host can record at their convenience and edit the content without coordinating with others.
  3. Personal Branding: This format allows the host to develop a strong personal connection with the audience, enhancing loyalty and brand recognition.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: There are fewer equipment and coordination requirements, making it a budget-friendly option.


  1. Content Creation Pressure: Creating engaging content continually rests solely on the host, which can be demanding and lead to burnout.
  2. Limited Perspectives: Without guests, the podcast may offer a narrower range of perspectives, potentially alienating some listeners.
  3. Audience Growth Challenges: Attracting new listeners can be more difficult without the natural network effect that accompanies guest interviews.
  4. Risk of Monotony: Keeping the content engaging over time can be challenging when it’s always the same voice and perspective.

The Best Option Depends on You

Ultimately, whether to choose an interview style or a solo host format depends on your goals, resources, skills, and audience preferences. Each format presents unique opportunities and challenges. You might decide to adopt a hybrid model, combining both styles to leverage the benefits of each.


Regardless of which format you choose, the key is to create great content that resonates with your audience while enjoying the process yourself. There is no absolute right or wrong choice but finding the best option that aligns with your strengths and audience expectations is crucial.

Call to Action

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