Why Entrepreneurs Struggle With Confidence

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Brett Ingram, an award-winning entrepreneur and product creator, explores the common journey of entrepreneurs, characterized by highs, lows, and challenges that test their confidence. The podcast delves into the necessity of passion, drive, and confidence in starting a business and how entrepreneurs face adversity that can erode their self-assurance. Ingram discusses the importance of viewing each obstacle as a learning opportunity and offers ten strategies to build and maintain confidence. These include setting achievable goals, celebrating small wins, continuous learning, seeking feedback and mentorship, practicing self-affirmation, visualizing success, networking, managing stress, embracing failure, and staying resilient. The goal is to equip entrepreneurs with the tools to maintain their self-belief, lead to more effective decision-making, and ultimately achieve both business success and personal fulfillment.


00:00 Introduction: The Entrepreneurial Confidence Conundrum

00:27 The Entrepreneurial Image vs. Reality

01:19 The Entrepreneurial Journey: Highs, Lows, and the Quest for Confidence

04:53 The Battle of Confidence: Overcoming Adversity and Doubt

11:08 Strategies for Building and Maintaining Confidence

22:18 Conclusion: Embracing the Entrepreneurial Mindset

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